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Andrew Pepper

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Holograms, the First 60 Years

Friday, 01 January 2010 00:00 Published in Group Exhibitions


An Exhibition to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the hologram.

Exhibition Venues

The Willis Museum, Basingstoke, 3rd April - 22nd June 2010.

The Alton Museum, Hampshire, 4th July 4 – 29th August 2009.

The York College Gallery, 24th April 24 - 22nd May, 2009.

Buckinghamshire County Museum, Aylesbury, 6th December 2008 – 21st March 2009

Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, 7th - 31st August 2008

The Oxfordshire Museum, Woodstock, Oxfordshire, May - July 2008

Banbury Museum, Banbury, UK, 1st March - 5th May 2008 

BBC news report on the exhibition at Rugby Museum. (Opens in a new window)

The exhibition includes work by many of the formost hologram artists and other key innovators in the field - milestones from holographic history - along with some of the latest technical developments.

"In holography, our age is still the pioneering age, and the 1980's and 90's are the first age of holographic excellence. The artists who have chosen to work in the new medium are explorers that in later times will be accorded the same interest as Fox Talbot, Roger Fenton and Camille Silvy."

Chris Titterington. Former Assistant Curator of Photography, Victoria and Albert Museum.

The exhibition, devised by Jonathan Ross in association with curators from Banbury Museum and the Oxfordshire County Museum, has been mainly drawn from the Ross collection with support from various leading hologram makers. It comprises over 60 key works.

Square Eclipse, one of Andrew Pepper's early works from 1989, on show in Holograms, the First 60 Years.




Andrew Pepper works with projected light, holography and installation.  Based in the UK,  he has exhibited his work in group and solo exhibitions internationally and, as a senior lecturer in fine art at Nottingham Trent University, he taught on the BA (Hons) fine art course, the Master of Fine Art course and has acted as a PhD examiner for a wide range of key project-based research submissions.


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